1) Any club having at least one Full Sized Table and approved balls shall be eligible to apply for membership of the League at the A.G.M. provided all monies due to the League have been paid. Defaulting clubs face expulsion until payments have been made, particularly if there are other clubs applying for membership.

2) The League will comprise a maximum 3 divisions. Any shortfall of teams will be in the lowest division.

3) Any new team entering the League shall automatically start in the lowest division.

4) The affiliation fee £10, as fixed at the A.G.M., is payable at the meeting and by BAC (see website)

5) Control of the League is vested in the A.G.M. and that meeting alone has the power to alter or amend the rules of the League.

6) (a) All Clubs will be notified before the date of the A.G.M. Each team wishing to enter the league must send at least one representative from that team to the meeting but only one nominated member may vote with the name card provided. A team will be accepted if, before the meeting, the League Secretary is informed in writing and their request is accompanied by the appropriate affiliation fee(s), Failure of the team to send a representative or to inform the League Secretary as detailed previously, will result in non-acceptance of that team entry for the coming season.

(b) Anything brought up over the season is put on the agenda for teams to decide on

7) Any team withdrawing after the A.G.M will be fined £50.00.

8) Each team is expected to notify the Secretaries at the A.G.M. of the name of their Secretary/team captain(s) and appropriate telephone number(s) and be added to WhatsApp group

9) A League Committee shall be elected annually to meet each month to deal with all League matters and shall be responsible for all arrangements concerning Annual Competitions.

10) Any dispute or protest arising over any match must be reported to the Secretary in writing or email within 3 days of the incident.

11) In the event of rulings being required which are not covered in the rules, the committee’s decision shall be final.

12) Matches shall be played on Wednesdays unless otherwise published and commence at 7.30pm.

13) Teams will consist of 5 Snooker players and all League Matches will be played on a Home and Away basis – a point being awarded for each game or frame won.

14) If the whole team does not appear, the club will be fined £25.00 and have points deducted and the match be replayed. In the event of a team being player(s) short and if any fictitious scores are entered both teams will be fined £25.00

15) Any club consistently appearing for matches without all players will be considered for expulsion from the League (see next rule)

16) Any team unable to complete a league fixture with five players will be able to play the remaining match with one player playing twice after a re-draw, this match must be written on match position 5 on the fixture card,. Teams can use this rule on no more than 5 occasions over a league season, and not in cup matches, but those drawn out can only play once, this give team equal chance of playing and not same player throughout the season (website will have a list of who have played so not trying to work it out) if on 5th match your 1 player short and used the other 4 then you will forfeit the frame

17) A player becomes “registered” for a particular team on his first appearance in that season and by only a change of residence may that player represent another team that season.

18) No League matches can be postponed (except for a County match, bad weather, or an accident or at the discretion of the committee) the team postponing the match will be subject to a fine and should arrange to play match before set date on fixtures not after

19) All League fixtures must be completed on or before the date of the last league match on the fixture list. Any outstanding fixtures not played when 1 week left of the league season will be excluded from the League tables and the offending team(s) fined £25.00.

20) The League Secretary must be notified of the postponement and rearranged date immediately by the team requesting the postponement.

21) Method of play – League Matches

(a) The team captains will be responsible for preparing match tables and completing draw with the first match to start at 7.30pm. The team Captains shall draw the names of the opposing players in each match and the order of play shall be decided by the home captain. He shall also appoint a Marker/Referee for each match and be responsible for ensuring the table and scoreboard are well illuminated. Any team reported to the Committee for persistently starting late will be fined £5.00 and deducted one league point.

(b) The home team will remain spot on the scoreboard in all Leagues and Cup matches (Except Billiards).

(c) If a player is unavailable after the draw has been made another player may be substituted provided the original player is not or has been in the club.

(d) The home team captain shall be responsible for posting the result card (White) 1st Class Post or via WhatsApp, Facebook/Messenger or Email to the League Secretary on the day following the match. Result cards not received by Saturday will render the team responsible for the non-arrival of the card liable to a fine of £5.00.

22) (a) At the end of the season, where League Tables are concerned, in the event of teams being on equal points, the team having the most match wins will be awarded the higher position.

(b) Should that also result in equality, a play off will decide with the winning team being awarded the higher position.

(c) Promotion and Relegation between the Leagues shall normally be 2 up or down.


(a) Each team that entered into the League will take part in a Knockout + Handicap Cup competition where each player will receive an individual handicap based on his/her previous performance. Players entering the league for the first time will have their handicaps set after 5 league matches have been played, Teams exiting by the end of Round One shall be entered in the Handicap Plate Competitions

(b) Handicap league, 4 groups of 6 teams all frames played, play each of the 5 teams in that group, top 2 goes into Main Quarter Finals and 3rd/4th placed go into Plate cup

(C) Any players that have played less than 5 frames can play but their handicap will be same as the best player in the team (lowest handicap)

24) Each division will have a knockout cup competition open to all teams in their respective divisions.

25) (a) In all cup competitions the home team will be the first drawn out of the hat except the Finals which will be played on neutral tables and supervised by either a member of the Committee or someone appointed by them.

(b) The home team captain shall be responsible for posting the result card via WhatsApp, Facebook/Messenger or Email to the Competition Secretary on the day following the match

26) In all cup matches the players should play as drawn, If a player is not available within 10 minutes of the appointed time for their frame, his opponent is entitled to claim the frame. Exception to this rule first player can play second or third if not in the club, those drawn 4th or 5th cannot play till first 3 have played unless walkover. (Does not apply to Handicap league)

27) In all semi-finals and finals of cup competitions teams may only select from players who have played at least 1 league match during current season


28) Entries to the above must be made on the official form provided to each team and submitted with the correct entry fee to the League Secretary by the appointed date. Late submission or non payment of entries will not be accepted.

29) Only regular Club Members will be accepted.

30) The home player(s) must play their matches at the club they entered from (or with the approval of his opponent if different) up to and including the semi-finals. Matches will be the best of five frames apart from the final which will be seven frames (Division 1 Single’s & Pairs Best of 5 frames) played on a neutral table with a referee appointed by the Committee.

31) Any communications between the Competition secretary and entrants will be by telephone, post or email as appropriate. The draw for all Knockout competitions will be published in The Cornish Times and on the League website and it will be each entrant’s responsibility to keep in contact with whichever competition they have entered.

32) Contact will be made by the Home player (unless otherwise advised) within 15 days of the draw being live on website giving the choice of 3 dates to play the game. Failure to do so will result in the fixture being switched to the table of the Away player. The dates given must not all be on a Saturday or Sunday.

33) The winner will notify the Secretary of the result immediately the match has been played or at the latest by the closing date, if no contact to Competitions Secretary then the away player is automatically through to next round on closing date, no matches to be carried over

34) Any dispute regarding matches not played by the date due will be decided by the Committee, having paid due regard to the circumstances as put forward by each player in the dispute, and taking into consideration county events and representative matches.

35) When a neutral table is used for finals the league will contribute £5.00 to the club for the use of each table.

36) All trophy winners are expected to collect them at the Annual Dinner. Team trophies should be collected by all team members, but if only one can be in attendance this will be accepted. Teams who are winners or runners-up in any knock-out competition who fail to collect their trophies will be denied entry to that competition in the following season, unless there is a genuine reason submitted in writing for the Committee to consider.

37) All perpetual trophy cups to be handed to Dan Marchant by 31st of March each season where engraving and cleaning will be done. winners in current season (please pay Dan Marchant) will see their names on cups at presentations, Failure to do so will result in a £10.00 fine.

A.G.M 2024

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