Division 1 Fixtures - Results

Highlighted Fixtures
Blue - Runabout match
Green - Outstanding match
Gold - Reversed fixtures
Yellow - Bye/Open Date

Runabout Holders

Outstanding matches


Week 1

04 - Sep
Week 2

11 - Sep
Week 3

18 - Sep
Week 4

25 - Sep
Downderry B 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Trewidland 0 v 0 Downderry B
Downderry B 0 v 0 Luckett
Menheniot B 0 v 0 Downderry B
Lanreath 0 v 0 Trewidland
Luckett 0 v 0 Lanreath
Lanreath 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Pelynt D 0 v 0 Lanreath
St Germans 0 v 0 Luckett
Menheniot B 0 v 0 St Germans
St Germans 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Trevelmond 0 v 0 St Germans
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Pelynt D 0 v 0 Menheniot A
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Trevelmond
St Ive 0 v 0 Menheniot A
Polbathic 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Polbathic
Polbathic 0 v 0 St Ive
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Polbathic
St Ive 0 v 0 Trevelmond
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 St Ive
Trewidland 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Luckett 0 v 0 Trewidland

Week 5

02 - Oct
Week 6

09 - Oct

16 - Oct
Week 7

23 - Oct
Downderry B 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Downderry B

Downderry B 0 v 0 St Ive
Lanreath 0 v 0 Trevelmond
St Ive 0 v 0 Lanreath

Lanreath 0 v 0 Polbathic
St Germans 0 v 0 St Ive
Polbathic 0 v 0 St Germans

Match 1
St Germans 0 v 0 Menheniot A
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Polbathic
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Menheniot A

Trewidland 0 v 0 Trevelmond
Trewidland 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Pelynt D 0 v 0 Trewidland

Luckett 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Luckett 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Menheniot B 0 v 0 Luckett

Menheniot B 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons

Week 8

30 - Oct

06 - Nov
Week 9

13 - Nov
Week 10

20 - Nov
Polbathic 0 v 0 Downderry B

Downderry B 0 v 0 Menheniot A
St Germans 0 v 0 Downderry B
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Lanreath

Lanreath 0 v 0 St Germans
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Lanreath
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 St Germans

Match 2
Trewidland 0 v 0 Polbathic
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Trewidland
St Ive 0 v 0 Trewidland

Luckett 0 v 0 St Ive
Polbathic 0 v 0 Luckett
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Luckett

Menheniot B 0 v 0 Trevelmond
St Ive 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Pelynt D 0 v 0 Menheniot B

Pelynt D 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Pelynt D


27 - Nov
Week 11

04 - Dec
Week 12

11 - Dec

18 - Dec

Downderry B 0 v 0 Lanreath
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Downderry B

Trewidland 0 v 0 St Germans
Trewidland 0 v 0 Lanreath


Match 3
Luckett 0 v 0 Menheniot A
Luckett 0 v 0 St Germans

Match 4

Menheniot B 0 v 0 Polbathic
Menheniot B 0 v 0 Menheniot A

Pelynt D 0 v 0 St Ive
Pelynt D 0 v 0 Polbathic

Trevelmond 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Trevelmond 0 v 0 St Ive


25 - Dec

01 - Jan
Week 13

08 - Jan
Week 14

15 - Jan

Downderry B 0 v 0 Trewidland
Luckett 0 v 0 Downderry B

Lanreath 0 v 0 Luckett
Menheniot B 0 v 0 Lanreath


St Germans 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Pelynt D 0 v 0 St Germans

Menheniot A 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Menheniot A

Polbathic 0 v 0 Trevelmond
St Ive 0 v 0 Polbathic

St Ive 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Trewidland


22 - Jan
Week 15

29 - Jan
Week 16

05 - Feb
K/O Cup

12 - Feb

Downderry B 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Pelynt D 0 v 0 Downderry B

Lanreath 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Lanreath


Match 5
St Germans 0 v 0 Trevelmond
St Ive 0 v 0 St Germans
K/O Cup

1st Round

Menheniot A 0 v 0 St Ive
Polbathic 0 v 0 Menheniot A

Polbathic 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Menheniot B 0 v 0 Trewidland

Trewidland 0 v 0 Luckett
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Luckett

Week 17

19 - Feb
Week 18

26 - Feb

05 - Mar
Week 19

12 - Mar
Downderry B 0 v 0 Trevelmond
St Ive 0 v 0 Downderry B

Downderry B 0 v 0 Polbathic
Lanreath 0 v 0 St Ive
Polbathic 0 v 0 Lanreath

Lanreath 0 v 0 Menheniot A
St Germans 0 v 0 Polbathic
Menheniot A 0 v 0 St Germans
Main & Plate

St Germans 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Trewidland

Trewidland 0 v 0 St Ive
Trewidland 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Pelynt D 0 v 0 Luckett

Luckett 0 v 0 Trevelmond
Luckett 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Menheniot B

Menheniot B 0 v 0 Pelynt D

Week 20

19 - Mar
K/O Cup

26 - Mar
Week 21

02 - Apr
Week 22

09 - Apr
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Downderry B

Downderry B 0 v 0 St Germans
Lanreath 0 v 0 Downderry B
St Germans 0 v 0 Lanreath

Lanreath 0 v 0 Liskeard Cons
St Germans 0 v 0 Trewidland
Polbathic 0 v 0 Trewidland
K/O Cup

Trewidland 0 v 0 Menheniot A
Menheniot A 0 v 0 Luckett
St Ive 0 v 0 Luckett

Luckett 0 v 0 Polbathic
Polbathic 0 v 0 Menheniot B
Trevelmond 0 v 0 Menheniot B

Menheniot B 0 v 0 St Ive
St Ive 0 v 0 Pelynt D
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Pelynt D

Pelynt D 0 v 0 Trevelmond
Liskeard Cons 0 v 0 Trevelmond


16 - Apr
K/O Cup

23 - Apr

30 - Apr
K/O Cup

07 - May

Main & Plate

K/O Cup

Main & Plate

K/O Cup



14 - May

Pick of the League

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